by Merl Moore (

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I get how it can be difficult. Believe me, I get it. At times you are dealing with conflicting interests, beliefs and loyalties. I get that. And, for the most part at least, you always want to do what you think is best for your party and, I’d like to think, at least in the long run, your constituents’ interests.

But here’s the thing, let’s take Mitch McConnell (R-KY) the Leader of the Senate, as an example. Now McConnell never does anything against the interests of the Republican Party (or Trump) but those votes are also pretty much in line with what all of his voters in Kentucky want as well; in other words: a majority of his actual constituents, the people who elected him, the people who actually put him in office, would pretty much all agree with every one of his votes (or the votes he blocks in the Senate from going forward, as the case may be). So while McConnell is the Head of the Senate, and (with Trump) the Leader of His Party, the Majority Leader, he’s still always true to his constituents.

You, Represntative Pelosi, are not true to your constituents ( and haven’t been for quite some time.

While I’m sure you believe you never do anything against the interests of the Democratic Party, you seem to entirely neglect the beliefs and politics of pretty much all of your voters in the San Francisco Bay Area, your actual constituents, the people who elected you, the people who actually put you in office, the people you actually work for, those who pretty much completely disagree entirely with your position on impeachment and your recent cratering to McConnell (by “capitulat(ing) to Republicans and Democratic moderates and drop(ping) stronger protections for migrant children in overcrowded border shelters”

So while you are the Speaker of the House, the defacto head of the Democratic Party, you are still preaching policies not popular or desirous of your actual constituents. You seem not to understand what it means for a Congressional Representative to “represent” a specific electorate and that specific electorate’s interests and beliefs.

As I understand it, that’s why we have a “House of Representatives,” and why each specific area elects a representative to represent that specific area’s specific interests. Not to put too fine a point on it: They always say “Pelosi is playing 3-Dimensional Chess!” Too bad none of those dimensions represents the people who put Pelosi in office.

Furthermore, you’ve gone to war with the most liberal members of the Democratic Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley ( Whether you want to admit it and face it or not those four Representatives better represent (much, much, much better represent) the politics and beliefs of the San Francisco Bay Area than you do currently ( You’re even allowing your surrogates and lap-dogs (there’s a difference?) to publically attack AOC! That’s unacceptable! (

Look, Rep. Pelosi, if you’re so hot to represent the moderates in Wisconsin or Minnesota or Michigan (or wherever) or the corrupt New York Machine, move your happy ass to Wisconsin or Minnesota or Michigan or New York and run for office! Regardless of whatever you’d like to think, Ms. Pelosi, San Francisco did not elect you to represent the interests of the moderates in Wisconsin or Minnesota or Michigan (or wherever) nor the corrupt New York Machine! So, as long as you’re the Representative of the San Francisco Bay Area you might want to start representing the politics and beliefs of the people in the San Francisco Bay Area for a change!

Like immediately!

                        (NOTE: See companion piece, “Next Speaker of the House?”)

Merl Moore was born and raised in San Francisco, California. He has lived in Denver, Colorado; Reno, Nevada; Southern California, and Atlanta, Georgia and his writing/articles have been published in many National and Regional Publications. He currently resides in San Francisco, California.



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